
Men’s Collection

Men’s Collection

Handcrafted  leather bags hailing from Kolkata and Chennai are more than just fashion accessories. They are a testament to India’s rich cultural heritage and exceptional craftsmanship. These bags are fashioned from the finest materials and created by skilled artisans who have mastered their craft over generations.


In the ever-evolving landscape of fashion, the allure of leather bags remains timeless. These enduring accessories not only serve as functional carriers of belongings but also embody a statement of personal style. Let’s embark on a journey to unveil the art of tender loving care (TLC) that leather bags deserve.


Essential Tools for Leather Bag Care:

  1.  Quality Leather Conditioners: The soul of leather care lies in premium conditioners. These specialized formulations nourish the leather, ensuring it retains its natural oils and suppleness. Selecting the right conditioner becomes a critical aspect of preserving the bag’s inherent beauty.
  2.  Soft Bristled Brushes:Maintenance is an art, and the tools wielded matter. Soft-bristled brushes, in particular, play a pivotal role in the cleaning process. They delicately remove dirt without inflicting harm, safeguarding the bag’s surface from unnecessary wear.

Daily Care Rituals for Leather Bags:


  1. Dust and Dirt Removal: In the daily grind, leather is subjected to dust and dirt. A meticulous routine involving gentle brushing and wiping ensures the bag stays pristine without compromising its structural integrity.
  2. Hydration and Moisture Control: Just as the skin needs moisture, so does leather. Balancing hydration is a delicate dance, preventing dryness that leads to cracking while avoiding excess moisture that could result in mold. A careful regimen of conditioning achieves this equilibrium.
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